Purchasing a home is a big investment, and making sure to cover all your bases before buying is a wise choice. One thing that may be overlooked during a home purchase is pests. Having a professional pest control company perform real estate inspections before committing to a home purchase can potentially save you thousands of dollars. A severe pest issue could be a dealbreaker on a home, or it could simply alert you to things you need to take care of before moving your family in.

Real estate inspections for pests will identify problems, and solutions can be reached to nip the issue in the bud. Some pests can wreak havoc on a home, such as termites, and having this knowledge beforehand can help you make the best decision for your family. Pest inspections are not required by most states before purchasing a home, but choosing to perform one is highly recommended.

At Invicta Environmental Pest Defense, we offer real estate inspections to determine if there are any pest issues in the home you are thinking of buying. We are a mom-owned company and know the importance of looking out for your family and pets. We perform thorough real estate inspections, offer quick reporting, and are able to help remedy your issues, should we find any. Safety for your family and pets is our number-one priority, as any mother will tell you!

If you are looking for the best pest control company for performing real estate inspections in the Raleigh, North Carolina area, reach out to us. We love to help keep your family safe, while eliminating damaging and disease-carrying pests from your home!